Document pg2mqZvq6VYZKXDd3xk6O14k
Sept. 20, 1995 memo from: L.
to: M. Pierle K. Fish J. Mason J. Digman L. Fisher L. Drake F. Stokes T. Norton
cc: V. Weldon D. Herndon
subject: environmental giving, "showcase" project
This is both a reminder and homework on the above subject.
First, the reminder: we're scheduled to meet on this subject on Wed., Sept. 27, 1:30 to 5 p.m. in the A south Public Affairs conference room. I'll try not keep us all this long.
(P.S. Linda Fisher, Kate Fish and Tom Norton - I'm sorry you
can't join us but I'd like to proceed. Please E-mail me or phone
me with any comments you may have on the attached list of
projects so we can factor your thinking into our discussions.
We'll keep you posted on outcome.)
Our GOAL is to settle on one, two or three?? potential environmental (sustainable) "showcase" projects for long-term funding by our businesses or Monsanto Fund or combination of the two.
I doubt we'll come out of this meeting ready to seek xx$$ from the Fund or our businesses for specific projects. But I do hope we come out of it with agreement on a couple of projects on which WE'LL HAVE TO SIT DOWN WITH THE ORGANIZERS TO NAIL DOWN HOW MONSANTO CAN MOST EFFECTIVELY PARTICIPATE AND AT WHAT FUNDING LEVEL. This information may already exist for some--'-but I don't think most--of the projects still before us.
The last step we took in this process was to summarize pending
projects for Mike Pierle. I've received some informal feedback
from Mike. It is: he's positive on the Nature Conservancy
project and greater Monsanto involvement in East St. Louis and
environs. He feels Solaris, should have a major vote in whether
we encourage planifS^o undertake household-hazardous wastes
cleanup days on arTannual basis. I hope Mike will be at our
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The homework part of this memo is to refresh your memories on the pending projects. Attached are the fact sheets we compiled for Mike Pierle. Also attached is background on some new possibilities have come in. These are: 1. Ongoing efforts of Crop and Ceregen SBUs "Developing Countries Team." (Note the heavy African involvement. Perhaps combined with last year's Pledge Award winning project from South Africa, we'd have a powerful Monsanto-driven initiative speaking to GLOBAL sustainability, i.e. feeding people. There is a heavy commercial component to these projects). 2. Project Earth Health 2000 - potentially lots of ways to participate, but would we get lost among the numerous sponsors already on board? 3. Izaak Walton League Mississippi River project - we earlier reviewed a Mongoven description of this effort and decided not to participate. However, I'm reintroducing simply because we now have more info, from the Izaak Walton organization itself and because it is one of the projects in Earth Health 2000. 4. Regarding the East St. Louis proposal, a part of it has moved forward to the Fund. This part is for Monsanto to join other metropolitan businesses in helping to build a youth center in East. Louis. ALSO ATTACHED ARE THE ORIGINAL CRITERIA WE AGREED TO FOR SCREENING THESE PROJECTS. This has been a time-consuming effort, and I appreciate everyone's involvement. Let's keeping pushing it forward. Let's also discuss remaining in business as a team for the future to continue providing guidance to Monsanto Fund on environmental giving and to ensure that company gets best value out of this spending. See you on the 27th. Call me if you have questions.
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Criteria for Environmental "Showcase" Project 1. Company benefit
(image or product) 2. Clear public message from project 3. Sustainability theme 4. Environmental benefit 5. Employee/plant participation
(community relations) 6. Helpful in public policy 7. Strengthen relationships
(environmental groups, government) 8. Global 9. Measurable results 10. How to staff for success (resourcing)?
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