Document Z4EnQDrw7D8pLaDqXRdNqLQzZ
July 15, 1980
JUL 2 11300
Boar#and Staff
FROM: Shel Samuels
SUBJECT: The Current Work Plan Structure and Function
The Workers Institute for Safety and Health was in corporated less than a year ago as a research and educational development arm of the American labor movement. Although it is a project of the Industrial Union Department, it functions on behalf of AFL-CIO affiliates, independent unions and unorganized workers. Its concerns cut across all jurisdictions (See Chart of Organization). The purpose of the Institute is the discovery of new knowledge and the incorporation of existing knowledge into new programs.
It is not our purpose to duplicate the resources of our universities or community organizations, nor usurp the
role of unions and their central labor bodies. In this process of discovery and incorporation, the Institute aims at the maximum utilization of existing organizations. Institute programs have either an intramural focus, util izing outside institutions to the extent feasible, or an extramural focus, utilizing Institute resources to the extent feasible.
Mode of Operation
The work of the Institute is organized around specific projects, each with a Supervising Trustee, Project Director and project staff. Project Directors are independent scientists who meet their goals with minimum supervision. Program assistance and evaluation is provided by the Director of Institute Programs and administrative assistance and evaluation is provided by an Administrator (to be named). Each reports to the Chairman of the Program Com mittee and the Chairman of the Operating Committee respectively. Scientific peer review is provided all programs by the Scientific Advisory Committee and the Scientific Director.
Program and Core Support
As each project is developed, sources of support from the governm nt, labor movement, and other contributors
must be id ntif i d. Overhead charges will provide for
program planning and routine administration. But special
program development has been necessary to
build comsl&ency ior this task. Early funds and services
were provided by the Industrial Union Department, NIOSH
(for personnel training), Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
(subcontract from OSHA), and the Ohio AEL-CIO.
The OSEA New Directions grant ($120,000) will be used
to expand the competency for future program development
and to support an OSHA-related worker's education program:
the Community Utilization and Mass Media Project. Until
this vital expansion and support occurs, WISH will be
still born, since the projects funded and underway are
not themselves a critical mass that enable the independent
viability of the Institute. They are too few in number
and do not themselves justify a supporting entity, nor
would they have occurred if a viable entity were not in
the making.
Approved Projects
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1. Community Utilization and Mass Media Project (CUP)
A. Development of first year plan for building . capability to provide unique educational and research services for the labor movement in conjunction with unions and other institutions. This would include the parallel development of funding mechanisms other than OSHA.
B. Determine the needs for and methods of developing Occupational Safety and Health education pro grams in cooperation with the OSH programs of State governments.
C. Develop family oriented safety and health organ izations at community level.
D. Plan and develop a Mass Media Program that supports and is tailored to community objectives and needs.
E. Develop methods of program evaluation for use by
labor movement and union or labor education
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2. Professional Education
A. A draft proposal for NIOSH has been developed by Dr. Heimann. . The program would tailor pro fessional on-the-job training and formal education
to th vari ty of ne.eds and backgrounds of union staff, especially "New Directions" staff, and labor educators in general. Several requests J^peived (IUE, Georgia State, NPLC, etc.).
B. A Scholars-in-Residence proposal will be developed in conjunction with the Scientific Director. This will bring to the Institute senior scientists who will be given an opportunity to concentrate on a project of their choice in exchange for consultation and teaching within the labor movement.
3. High Risk Population
An NCI-approved grant of about $250,000 for TY '81 with additional support from NIOSH and NIMH will enabl the demonstration of programs to increase the indepen dence and capability of families who must provide life time medical and psycho-social support to workers at high risk, of disease because of past exposures. Cohorts are being selected and notified in conjunction with NIOSH, who will also cooperate with staff of WISE and of Mt. Sinai, University of Alabama, and University of Southern California. At least one cohort will be of unorganized workers. A Patternmakers Union Program is under development. This is the Institute's
major current program.
4. Workers Compensation
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DOL is supplying core support in the form of an IPA staff loan. Application is being made for funds to set up compensation education programs nationwide, using Ohio AFL-CIO program as a model.
5. Microwaves
A $20,000 cash and $20,000 service grant has been
received from Operating Engineers, CWA, Carpenters, and IUD to develop and conduct a training program in microwave/laser protection for these unions. Additional unions have asked to observe (Guild, F & B Department). OSHA, FDA, Mt. Sinai, WISH and University of Utah staff involved. First seminar: September 7, 1980.
6. Stress /Ergonomics
A seminar at N.Y. Academy of Sciences was held last year to begin the planning of an integrated program of brain and nerve physiology, performance testing, cardiovascular factors, identification of physical and chemical stressors, and design parameters
for personal protectiv quipm nt. Scientists from
Columbia, NYU, Mt. Sinai, Rutg rs, University of Massachusetts*, and"University of Cincinnati involved with jpupport from WISH. A second seminar is scheduled for aftir this year.
7. Energy-Related Hazards
Institute staff are attempting to define areas for which it. can make a unique contribution.
8. Deprived Population
With IUD staff and financial support and HHS encouragement, a 120-mile radius from Tupelo, MS, encompassing parts of Northern Mississippi and Alabama, has been selected within which to develop a program which would integrate existing community health resources with expertise in occupational medicine, OSH education, industrial hygiene and safety engineering within a broad human service center. Primarily focused on needs of unorganized workers, program being designed in conjunction with a broad range of community services. Mt. Sinai, University of Alabama, HHS regional office and American Cancer society involved. Proposal for program support being developed to cover four-year demonstration.
Future Programs ------------------- ---------
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* A collective-bargaining initiative in the workers compensation area is being explored by Mr. Bergin.
* A riskassessment project is being developed by Mr. Samuels.
* A hazardous waste project is being developed by Mr. McClure.
* Priority need: exploration of research needs related to the need to protect from discrimination both women and minorities. A project director is being recruited.
Note on Staffing
Key professional staff are appointed in concurrence
with the Institute Board. The following nominations are submitted:
Dr.. Christopher Wbe ler, Administrator Dr. Kaut Ringen, Secretary to the Board Dr. Mltrvin Schneidermann, Scientific Director Mr. Ed Bergin, Project Director (Workers Compensation) Mr. Ray McClure, Project Director (Microwave, Lasers and Energy) Ms. Michelle Trudeau, Co-Project Director (Mass Media) OSHA New Directions funds will be used for the support of Dr. Wheeler, Ms. Michelle Trudeau and a secretary. All other Institute personnel will be supported by other funds. I have been nominated by President Samuel as Director of Institute Programs.
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Workers' Institute for. SafetV and Health
Subject "hi 8oord approval