Document R4o8eRe402728EmVyMw3OoMX

J^JUU WORKERS' BNSTBTUTE FOR SAFETY AMD HEALTH MAIN OFFICE: 271 EAST STATE STREET, COLUMBUS. OHIO 43215 - 614/224-8271 WASHINGTON OFFICE: 1126 16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036 - 202/463-6 May 12, 1980 TO: Peter Bommarito Jacob dayman Fred Hoehler William Lucy ^George M. Parker George Perkel Sheldon Samuels Leonard Smith George Taylor J. C. Turner FROM: SUBJECT: Warren J. Smith, Chairman of the Boa^jQT^' 'i Board of Trustees Meeting MOT ^ p V ; ** CW-'c. VI J'pJ Cl; i P's A meeting of the Board of Trustees was originally scheduled for June 6, 1980, in Washington, D.C. Due to conflicting schedules, this meeting will be rescheduled for late July. We will inform you of the new date shortly. Enclosed please find a Board of Trustees Membership List. If any of the information is incorrect, please contact Jane llall of our office on 202/463-6081. Also enclosed is a Description of the Workers' Institute for Safety and Health. In response to the first Board meeting, last August, the Board has been completed by nominating seven additional members (list attached). They have accepted the nomination, and to expedite our efforts (as well as to limit the number of Board meetings) Jane will be in touch with you for a phone ballot next week. Upon your approval, the nominated members will be asked to attend the next Board meeting. I hope this procedure is acceptable to you. Enclosures cc: Knut Ringcn Board Secretary i--iL000903~7 WORKERS' INSTITUTE FOR SAFETY AM HEALTH MAIN OFFICE: 271 EAST STATE STREET. COLUMBUS. OHIO 43215 - 614/224-8271 WASHINGTON OFFICE; 1126 16th Sc., Rm. 100, NW, Wash., DC 20036 202/463-6081 WORKERS' INSTITUTE FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH BOARD OF TRUSTEES Membership Lise Warren J. Smith (Chairman) Secretary-Treasurer Ohio AFL-CIO 271 East State Street Columbus, Oil 4 3215 (614) 224-8271 ROIvI PPG PILES Peter Bommarito President United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America URWA building 87 South High Street Akron, OH 44308 (216) 376-6181 Jacob dayman President National. Council of Senior Citizens 1511 K Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 347-8800, ext. 339 Fred Hoehler Director George Meany Center for Labor Studies 10000 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MB. 20903 (301) 431-6400, ext. 370 or 321 William Lucy International Secretary-Treasurer American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees 1625 L Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 452-4834 George M. Parker President American Flint Glass Workers Union 1440 South Ryrno Road Toledo, OH 43614 (419) 385-6687 George Perkel 23 Old Colony Lane Great Neck, NY 11023 (212) 650-7811 Sheldon W. Samuels Director Health, Safety & Environment Industrial Union Department 815 16th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 393-5583 Leonard Smith Executive Secretary-Treasurer Kentucky State AFL-CIO 706 E. Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 584-8189 George Taylor Director Dept, of Occupational Health & Safety AFL-CIO 815 16th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 637-5175 _________________ | BB 0000904 | Workers' Institute for Safety & Health Board of Trustees J. C. Turner General PresldKsp?*~ International Union of Operating Engineers 1125 17th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 347-8560 Board Secretary Knut Ringen Workers' Institute for Safety & Health 1126 16th Street, NW Room 100 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 463-6081 Membership List Page Two NOTE: THIS nop* i i r "a . L> I I I I vl UUUUWI L/p PPG INDUS lRIES, (Ng. Bid N9T C0L1F FROM IT'S FiLES AND CANNOT SE AUTHENTICATED BY PPG INDUSTRIES, INC. flT 0000905^1 WORKERS INSTITUTE FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH DESCRIPTION The Workers Institute for S.afety and Health fills the critical need to (1) identifpinformation concerning the special safety and health hazards of workers and their families, and (2) marshal human, monetary and material re sources to assist in their control. The Institute accomplishes these purposes through research and education, in collaboration with other elements of th labor movement and the scientific comm,unity, as an independent,. opJt-for-gr^- fit, tax-exempt organization. NOT COME FROM PPG FILES To prevent exposure to hazards that are factors of disease and injury, to intervene in the process that results in such effects, and encourage the de velopment of effective treatment of diseased and injured workers and their fan: ilies, the Institute accepts, administers and coordinates resources from the labor movement, government and private sector organizations. It is empower to focus these resources on behalf of, and in fulfillment of, organized labor and the needs of the working men and women of this nation, through a board of governors elected from the ranks and officers of American unions and labor bodies by the founding trustees. The Institute is incorporated in Columbus, Ohio. Founding trustees ar Jacob dayman, President, Industrial Union Department (AFL-CIO); Warren Smith, Secretary-Treasurer, Ohio AFL-CIO; Peter Bommarito, President, United Rubber Workers; J, C* Turner, President, The Operating Engineers; William Lucy, Secretary-Treasurer, State, County and Municipal Employees; George Parker, President, Flint Glass Workers; George Perkel, Director of Health and Safety, Clothing and Textile Workers; George Taylor, Director of | BB 0000906 J Health and Safety, AFL-CIO; Fred Hoehler, Director, George Meany Center for Labor Studies; Leonard Smith, Secretary-Treasurer, Kentucky AFL-CIO and Sheldon W, Samuels, Director of Health, Safety and Environment, Indus trial Union Department (AFL-CIO), In collaboration with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the Instituted initial project will assist workers who have a high risk of cancer because of past exposure to cancer-causing agents such as beta- Naphthylamine and asbestos. . U tvs T DID Scientific Advisory Committee To ensure the utmost scientific quality in its programs of research an development, WISH is establishing a Scientific Advisory Committee to evaluat the design and execution of programs. Members of the Scientific Advisory Co mittee will include outstanding scientists in the fields of occupational and cnvi onmental health and medicine, community medicine, and labor and health euu cation. Professor Irving J, Selikoff, Director of the Environmental Sciences Laboratory, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, has accepted t serve as of this committee. Other leading scientists will be appoin in the near future. Facilities Facilities for the project are being provided by WISH in its secretari: in Columbus, Ohio, and in its satellite office in Washington, D. C. Both site; are housed in AFL-CIO buildings, which have excellent facilities in terms of office equipment, communication technology and access to academic and tech nical resources, l_BB 0000907 | NOMINATED BOARD MEMBERS A/28/80 Francis Burkhardt Research Director International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades David Fitzmaurice President International Union of Electrical Workers Keith Johnson President International Woodworkers of America Odessa Komer Vice President United Auto Workers Joseph Odorcich Vice President United Steelworkers of America oocyst did i ifiOM PPG FILES Howard D. Samuel President Industrial Union Department Also nominated as Chairman of Program Committee William Winpisinger President International Association of Machinists | BB 0000903 |