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One of the country's lar gest manufacturers of baby powder insisted today there was no asbestos in its prod ucts.
City Environmental Pro tection Administration chief Jerome Kretchmer called yesterday for a federal study of the amount of asbestos in common talculm powder, say ing tests on two brands "re vealed abestos content rang ing from 5 to 25 per cent."
Kretchmer said on the basis of these tentative find ings, "a prudent mother should look for other alter natives. such as cornstarch," for use as baby powder. No Proof, But Prudence
The EPA administrator conceded he could offer no proof that breathing asbes tos fibres In baby powder was harmful. But, he said, "the adverse effects of lar ger exposures have already been proven so definitely that it is only prudent to mini mize all exposures unless they have been demonstrated conclusively to be harmless."
Studies done by Dr. Irving Selikoff at the Mount Sinai
School of Medicine have
shown that breathing asbes
tos fibres over long periods
can cause cancer.
Johnson and Johnson Co.,
one of the largest makers of
baby powder, issued a state
ment vehemently denying
any potential danger from Its
The firm "takes great care
to assure the purity of its
products even to the extent
of mining and processing our
own talc for use in body pow
der," a spokesman said. "Our
50 years of research know
ledge in this area indicates
there is no asbestos in the
powder made by Johnson and
The spokesman said he
could not vouch for the prod
ucts made by other compa
nies. EPA would not release
the names of the two brands
of powder tested by Dr. Seii-
koff at Mt. Sinai and found
to contain asbestos.
Selikoff was somewhat
more cautious than Kretch-
mer in his evaluation of the
problem. "I don't know if
there is danger, but there's
no doubt a study should be
done.-' he said.
EPA has submitted nine
other powder samples for [
testing at Mt. Sinai, but Dr. ( Selikoff said these would not j
be analyzed immediately. ,
"Just because asbestos is pre- ;
sent in the material doesn't mean it's necessarily dangerous," he said, "it depends on
j '
how much there is and how
much is respirable."
Asked if ho wasn't alarm
ing people needlessly on this
issue, Kretchmer said, "all
we're saying is it's a potent
ial hazard and were trying
to light a fire here to push
this research. A few years
ago no one thought there
was a problem with leaded
paint or cigaret smoking."
DAPCO KIN 0001296