Document 8R0J8Z3z2xzkmxLnoXx4K5dok
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Farm Chemicals Said Vital
By MARGE DAVENPORT Memorial Institute's Pacific pesticides at the three-day
Journal Medical Writer
Northwest laboratories also symposium, gave these rea emphasized the importance of sons for their continued use:
OREGON STATE UNI monitoring new pesticides for 1--Seventy per cent of crops
VERSITY, Corvallis -- Pesti possible effects.
cannot be grown successfully
cides must be used to assure "WE CANNOT" wait for an without the use of some in
continued production of food eminent disaster as we have secticides.
in quantities and qualities that Americans have learned to ex pect, the concluding session of the OSU symposium on pesti cides was told Wednesday.'
in the past with DDT," Men zel stressed. ,
John E. Swift, chemical coordinator of the University of California's extension ser
2-- Agriculture is the na tion's biggest industry, with $284 billion in annual revenue.
3-- If pesticide use is elimi nated or drastically curtailed,
Kenneth Walker, deputy ad vice at Berkeley, announced 20 to 25 per cent production
ministrator of agriculture re new restrictions on use of loss woll occur in food and
search for the U.S. Depart DDT will go into effect in livestock in three to five
ment of Agriculture, said California on Jan. 1, 1970. years, and there will be a 5 to
world food production and Under the new regulations, to
health also depend on continu be announced soon by the
ed pesticide use. He said, ho California Department of
wever, that 80 per cent of re Agriculture, DDT cannot be search for new control me used on 55 commodity crops, thods for pests is being conce including alfalfa, apples, apri ntrated on the development of cots, lettuce, melons, straw non-chemical controls. - ] berries, wheat, seed crops,
WALKER ALSO believes' chickens, turkeys and sheep.
that the development of pest- Use of DDT already is under
resistant crops is the ultimate strict regulation in California
hope for solving the pest con and will be permitted on only
trol puzzle.
a few crops such as beans,
William F. Durham, chief of; cotton and corn in the future.
15 per cent loss in stored products.
Durham credited DDT with control of 27 diseases and the subsequent saving of millions of lives throughout the world. He said that although the principal concern was with residue of DDT stored in bod ies, tests on humans showed these residues have not in creased significantly sinca 1950.
the primate research branch of the U.S. Public Health Ser vice in Perine, Fla., cited the
WALKER, MAJOR supporting, continued
speaker use of
importance of DDT for control
in inscct-borne diseases such
as malaria. He said that al
though there are potential ha
zards, present levels of pesti
cides are not believed to be
harmful to human health,
Durham and other speakers
stressed the necessity of con
tinued research to assess the
subtle effects of low-level expo
sure to pesticide residues and
evaluate any harmful effects
of new substitute compounds.
Daniel B. Menzel of Battelle
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