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Pesticides Reduce
sease, Scientists' Say
By JOIIN UVNNAN ` humans PCBs cause a special units where all three groups of
. SterSUH Writer
form of acne, a skin eruption. PCB-fed fowl and one of the con-j
Scientists at the University of In birds, both PCBs and DDT trol groups were injected with-1
Wisconsin have reported for the interfere with the production of duck hepatitis virus. The re-}
first-time that so-called "hard estradiol, a hormone that con maining "control" group got no.-
pesticide" materials apparently trols egg formation. Tlieir effect virus.
reduce resistance to and raise is thought to be ultra-thin egg Death began among the:
death rates from viral disease. shells which break, tlms endan PCB-treatcd ducks I to 16 hours
Dr. Milton Friend of the De partment of Veterinary Science
gering the perpetuation species of birds.
of whole
ahead How
of the untreated group. much PCB the birds had
said in a telephone interview:
Reason For Selection
consumed appeared to make no
"This is the first time that
difference in their ability to'
some of the things that people Dr. Friend said mallards were fight off the infection or when
have been saying about these chosen because they are ``well they succumbed to it, the report
materials have been demon understood, ubiquitous and con said.
strated in the laboratory." -
He and Dr. Daniel 0. Trainer made their report in the current issue-of Science magazine.
They said that 10-day-old mal lard ducklings fed "sub-lethal
fronted with similar ecological insult..."
The researchers are continu ing their experiments with other disease-causing organisms "to determine whether any interac tion, antagonistic or synergistic,
"The suggestions that PCB-
may render a host more susccp-
tible to certain types of infec
tious agents is the significant
finding of this study," the re-,
searchers concluded.
doses" of a chlorinated hydro occurs. . ."
Influenced Mortality
carbon called "PCB" suffered four times the death rale of ducks who ate no PCBs before being infected with duck hepati tis virus.
Gose Chemical Kin
Dr. Friend and his co-workers used five groups of ducks, 23 ducklings to a group. Three groups were fed diets containing 25, 50 and 100 parts of PCB per million for 10 days.
Two groups of ducklings got
"None of the concentrations of.
PCB fed resulted in detectable
forms chemical intoxication
even with the physical stresses
of weighing, handling, confine
ment and crowding...
PCBs, technically, polychlori no PCBs.
"However, when the stress of
nated bi-phenyls, are such close No birds got sick or died dur an infectious agent was added,
chemical relatives of DDT and ing the experiment though those these sublcthal concentrations
its breakdown product, DDE, on the 100 ppm diet "were no (of PCBs) appeared to influence
that they are virtually indistin ticeably hypercxcilable" after the resulting mortality rates
' three days.
causing two to four-fold inc
Though PCBs had been around All the birds eating PCBs bad reases ... and reduced incu-j
in the form of industrial prod significantly higher body balion time."
ucts since the 1930s, they did not weights, the researchers report The same sort of effects were-
come to light as a. major--and ed, the heaviest being those get observed in similar experi
totally unexpected--environ ting the most PCB.
ments invlving DDT and dield-
mental pollutant until 1906 when The researchers had no imme rin, Dr. Friend said.
they blocked chemists* attempts diate theory as to why.
to find and identify DDT.
Both are now considered to be
Birds Isolated
These results have not yet been published but the increased death rates ranged from three to;
ubiquitous throughout the envi The diets were halted after 10 nine-fold when 30-day-old mal-`
ronment and one is considered days and on the 12th day all the lards were fed subleUui doses of'
to be as bad as the other. In birds were moved to isolation DDT and dicldrin.
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