Document 6banBEYmXJaLz5NQvEYomZ916

Oct. 19, 1950 (9) MINUTES of the second meeting of Directors of the Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc. , held at The Union Club, Park Avenue and 69th Street, New York City, on October 10, 1950, at 11:00 A.M. , Eastern Standard Time. There were present: Messrs. William M. Rand Charles S. Munson L. T. Beale V-. B. Bell W. M. Billing W. S. Landes C. D. Marlatt R. L. Taylor M. F. Crass, Jr. Alternates: E. V. Daveler (for H. I. Young) L. E. Er lands on (for J. W. McLaughlin) J. R. Hoover (for W. S. Richardson) Paul Kendall (for P. T. Sharpies) J. G. Park (for H. W. Fisher) Absent: L. I. Doan H. O. C. Ingraham George W. Merck W. H. Ward Guest: D. S. Frederick I. ABSENCE OF QUORUM Although a quorum was not represented, it was the sense of those present that the meeting proceed and that all business transacted be subject to consideration and vote of the members at the November 14, 1950, Board meeting. n. MINUTES OF THE MEETING The Minutes of the September 12, 1950, meeting were duly approved as sent to the members. III. TREASURER'S REPORT (a) The report of the Treasurer for the period September to September 30, 1950, was reviewed, and On Motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That the report be accepted and placed on file. CMA 066888 (10) (b) Membership Fees - Delinquent Members. In accordance with action taken at the last meeting, follow up letters were sent to six delinquent members. All have responded with the exception of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Patent Chemicals, Inc. has submitted a contribution of $200 in lieu of the minimum membership fee of $300. Mr. Marlatt agreed to take the matter up personally with Patent. (c) Miscellaneous Office Expenses. The Secretary now has authori zation to approve vouchers in the amount of $50 or less for the Washington office. On Motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That similar authorization be granted Mr, R. L, Taylor in connection with miscellaneous expenses of the New York office. IV. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY A brief report was presented on mobilization developments and priority controls as they pertain to the chemical industry. Members of the Washington office staff met with Commerce Depart ment officials on September 29 to discuss transportation requirements of the chemical industry. At the request of N.P.A. Officials, a questionnaire was sent to Member Traffic Managers with reference to tank car requirements, and this data will be tabulated and presented in summary form within the near future. Following request made to the Secretary by N.P.A. for an expression of opinion as to feasibility of reinstating the cross-haul elimination order similar to TR-3, in effect during the last war, the Secretary was authorized to circularize member firms in order to obtain this information. V. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (a) Public Relations. Mr. R. L. Taylor reported that office space had been secured on the 15th floor of the McGraw-Hill Building, 330 West 42nd Street, New York City, Telephone Wisconsin 7-1602. Mr. Taylor will spend"approximately half of his time each week in Washington for several weeks. Following this, he plans to personally visit each member firm. A report will then be presented to the Board of Directors. (b) Membership Committee. Mr. L. T. Beale reported that applications sponsored and seconded by executives of member firms had been received in the cases of (1) United States Steel Corporation of Delaware and (2) Buffalo Electro-Chemical Company, and that both applicants app ared to be qualified for membership under the Association's By-Laws. CMA 066889 r (H) On Motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That the applications be approved, subject to the 30 day notice to members provided under Article 111, Section 4, of the By-Laws, and provided that such action in the case of Buffalo Electro-Chemical Company be made subject to ratification by the Membership Committee. (c) Revised By-Laws and Special Meeting of Association. On Motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That authorization to call a Special Meeting of the Association to approve the revised By-Laws be placed in the hands of the Association's Officers and that if possible such Special Meeting be arranged on the date of the next meeting of the Board of Directors. It was the sense of the meeting that Messrs. D. S. Frederick and John E. McKeen be invited to the next Board meeting. (d) Plastics Committee. Members agreed that plastics activities be centered in a "Plastics Committee" and that the designation "Plastics Steering Committee" be revoked. It was further agreed that other committee or subcommittee activities concerned with plastics be cleared through the M. C. A. Board of Directors and be responsible direct to the Board in keeping with established M.C.A. committee practice. (e) Retirement Plan. The following Resolution was presented by Mr. C. D. Marlatt, Trustee, and was unanimously approved by those present: "RESOLVED, that the Pension Trust Agreement between this Association and Clyde D. Marlatt, Trustee, dated November 29, 1949. as amended, be, and the same hereby is, further amended as set out in the document entitled Amendment Number Two, hereby ordered filed with the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit A, and that the proper officers of this Association be, and they hereby are, authorized to transmit a copy of said Amendment Number Two to Clyde D. Marlatt, Trustee; and "FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper officers of this Associa tion be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to enter into an agree ment, in substantially the form presented to this meeting, and hereby ordered filed'With the minutes thereof as Exhibit B, with John E. Walker and John L. Grabber, Trustees, amending the Pension Plan and Trust Agreement between Plastic Materials Manufacturers Association, Inc. and John E. Walker and John L. Grabber, Trustees, dated January 7, 1947, as amended, and as adopted by this Association by agreement between this Association and Plastic Materials Manufacturers Association, Inc. dated June 20, 1950; and "FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper officers of this Associa tion be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to take any and all actions which they may deem necessary or advisable in order to put into effect the aforesaid amendments to said Pension Trust Agreement and said. Pension Plan and Trust Agreement. " CMA 066890 (12) The above Resolutions result from an agreement with the TreasuryDepartment permitting both Plans to continue at least for a year. Prior to presentation by Mr, Marlatt, the matter had been cleared with the Legal Advisory Committee, VI. COMMITTEES (a) General Safety Committee. The Monthly Injury Report for August was reviewed. (b) Labels and precautionary Information Committee. The Secretary reported that the new Labeling Code tentatively adopted by the Illinois Depart ment of Safety is in agreement with Association standards as set forth in Manual L-l. Tentative draft of the M. C.A. Model Labels Act has been prepared and cleared with the Legal Advisory Committee. This draft which was prepared without cost to the Association will be utilized during the 1951 state legislative season in the case of those states proposing labeling legislation. A revision of Manual L-l has been undertaken by the LAPI Committee. (c) Traffic Committee. The Secretary briefly reported on the October 3-4 Committee meeting. A petition has been filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission urging postponement of action on the Uniform Classi fication matter. Docket 28300 and 28310. In view of subsequent developments, a supplemental statement was filed with the I. C. C. on October 13. Rate Matters. The following Resolution was passed by the Traffic Committee at its October 3 meeting and referred to the Board of Directors for consideration: "Various rate proposals not involving broad general principles, and affecting only a part of the Association's membership, were discussed by the Committee. After extended consideration, the Committee reaffirmed its previous policy of not supporting such rate proposals as an Association. It was further concluded that members affected by such proposals should handle them individually or as a group of individual companies. " The above Resolution came as a result of a proposal on the part of the Plastics Subcommittee of the Traffic Committee that it be empowered to appear in behalf of the Association on an Intercoastal Rate matter affecting Cellulose Derivative Plastic Molding Granules or Powder. Following discus sion, the matter was referred back to the Traffic Committee for additional consideration, with an expression that the Committee attempt to determine some way to assist member plastics manufacturers in matters common to that segment of the industry. (d) Manpower Committee. Mr. Taylor proposed than an Association Manpower Committee be set up similar to the Committee which functioned throughout the last war. CMA 066891 (13) On Motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That such Committee be authorized, and that the Chairman be authorized to make the necessary appointments. VII. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS (a) Glass and Wood Packages, Metal Packages and Miscellaneous Packages Committees. Appointment of Mr. W. L. Machmer, Jr., General Chemical Division, Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, replacing Mr. W. H. Gushard, to the above Committees was approved. (b) Water Pollution Abatement Committee . Appointment of Mr. C. H. Bunn, Jr., Enjay Company, Ine,_, was approved. (c) Traffic Committee. Appointment of Mr. Edward O'Brien, Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, to the Plastics Subcommittee was approved. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS (a) Chemicals in Foods. The Secretary reported that the M. C. A. Task Committee on Chemicals in Foods met in Washington on September 21 to discuss the Congressional investigation and hearings conducted to date. The Committee passed a resolution urging that the Association present a statement before the Investigating Committee. Following clearance of this resolution with the Association's Officers, a subcommittee was appointed to draft the Association presentation. Subsequent requests were received by the Secretary from Representative Delaney inviting the Association to appear and from Committee Counsel Kleinfeld requesting a conference concerning industry participation. It was the consensus of those present that an industry scientist present the Association's statement with the aid of a panel of toxicologists drawn from the Task Committee, and that Dr. E. V, , Reid be invited to act as spokesman. It was emphasized that interested member firms should give serious consideration to individual presentations in order that the testimony incorporated in the Record to date by institutional and governmental scientists be balanced. (b) Association Representation on Advisory Committee of Executives of the Drug Trade and Allied Association. Health Information Foundation. Following Mr. Taylor's recommendation that the Board appoint a representative to the Advisory Committee, On Motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That such representative be appointed by the Chairman. CMA 066892 (14) (c) Product Liability. The Secretary report d that in accordance with authorization previously granted by the Board, ateps now were being taken with the National Agricultural Chemical Association to bring up to date the Association's 193b publication "Adequate Labeling' and to circularize member firms concerning their willingness to participate in a product liability reporting project. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn. M. 'r . Crass, Jr. Secretary CMA 066893